Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Featured Exhibitor: Brian Doyle Photo


Who are you and what do you do?

I am a Minnesota-based conservation photographer and instructor specializing in ecotourism and wildlife photography. My unconventional start in the industry has provided me with invaluable experiences and new paths. From directing feature documentary films to guiding expeditions in some of the world’s remotest locations, my adventurous and genuine charisma can be found in each and every frame he shoots. With a time-blending influence, my visually captivating art freezes the movement of time. I aim for my photographs to stimulate conversation and promote environmental literacy to help shape how people understand, interact with, and interpret the world we live in.

How did you get started in your business?

I was working as a financial advisor and insurance agent out of school but didn’t feel like that was my true purpose. I quit my job and moved to California to pursue photography and film making. I eventually worked as an actor on 30 different shows to get into the film scene and worked on several movies and TV shows as a camera operator. I then transitioned into teaching photography and working as a expedition guide taking people around the world to Antarctica, Hawaii, Iceland, Bhutan and several other locations around the world.


What was your first memory of making something?

I received my first DSLR after college and took a solo trip to California backpacking and hitchhiking. It was the first time I had ever captured images that I truly loved and received recognition for. After that, I was hooked and couldn’t stop creating stories and images.

What do you think sets your designs apart from others?

Using a combination of traditional in-camera techniques, targeted times of day, and advanced post-processing and time blending methods creating “timeless images”.

What do your customers love most about your product(s)?

Although guests maybe able to know some of the locations of the images, all guests mention “I have never seen it captured like this before.”

What do you love most about craft show vending?

I love taking with the guests in person and sharing who I am and what I do.

Have you had any major failures? If so, what were some important insights gained?

I have been homeless twice, furloughed 5 times, failed multiple projects, and lost almost everything twice. Yet, I am still here today and still keep pursuing what I love.

What are some tips or suggestions you would like to offer to fellow makers?

Don’t let others tell you what you are worth or let them tell you what you “should” or “shouldn’t” do.

Brian Doyle Photo



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