Monday, October 30, 2023

Featured Exhibitor: Ponderosa Sky Designs




Who are you and what do you do?
My name is Carlyn and I am a Project Admin for a manufacturing company. My day job is very computer based, I spend most of my time looking at spreadsheets and our ERP system, so it doesn’t allow for very much creativity.

How did you get started in your business?
I started Ponderosa Sky Designs in the summer of 2021 because I was feeling uninspired in my day job and in need of a creative outlet. I had been watching Instagram videos for months of other women making stunning and vibrant jewelry out of what looked like playdough, but turned out to be polymer clay. In mid-June I finally bought a sample kit of clay and started playing around with it, I was instantly hooked. I had found my outlet!


Have you always been passionate about art and design?
I have always enjoyed dabbling in crafty things, but I haven’t ever thought of myself as someone who is naturally inclined to towards the fine arts. I think that is what I love so much about polymer clay, it feels more like an adult playdough than a form of sculpture. It has allowed me to express my artsy side without even realizing that’s what I was doing.

What motivates you to create?
Now, 2+ years later, I have made this creative hobby into an actual business! I have been lucky enough to create special collections for friends’ weddings, participated in 15+ art fairs and had a booth at the last two Twin Cities Pride festivals. My motivation now is to increase my skill with polymer clay, but I have also been recently branching out into other mediums, like stained glass. My hope is that one day I’ll be able to leave my day job and do art full time!


Will you be featuring any special holiday items?
I am working on a holiday collection that will include items such as 3D snowflake earrings, stained glass ornaments and snowman necklaces.


Ponderosa Sky Designs



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