If you've ever wished for a greeting card that says exactly what you're thinking, look no further than Muddy Mouth Cards. We are obsessed with Angie McGuire's hilarious and on-point greeting cards! She has the perfect, foul-mouthed sentiment for any and every occasion. You will never want to buy another sappy Hallmark card again. Caution: Profanity ahead!
Who are you and what do you do?
I'm Angie McGuire, and I love pretty things and naughty words. I am the owner and designer of Muddy Mouth Cards. We hand make inappropriate and irreverent greeting cards for every occasion, from birthday and wedding to vasectomies and divorce.
Will you be featuring any special holiday items?
Christmas and Hanukkah are some of our top sellers, so we're excited to highlight our holiday assortment and introduce a few new ones this season too!
What do your customers love most about your product(s)?
It's great when people find a card that says what they've been thinking but they didn't feel like they personally could say it themselves. Having someone else write it for them makes it okay. I'm totally okay being the person that writes it!
How did you get started in your business?
I used to work for a local scrapbook company designing scrapbook layouts and cards. After adding my own sense of humor to the designs, I found there were people (more than just me!) that thought they were funny, so I thought I'd sell a few on Etsy and see how it went. From there, it grew like crazy. My friend Karla, who also worked at the same company, assembles and packages each card. We've been making thousands of cards a year for the last 4 years and loving it.
What made you take this leap into being your own boss?
I'm bossy, the transition wasn't difficult. Just kidding! I'm very independent and work hard, so I didn't mind wearing a lot of hats to get my business off the ground. After wearing too many hats, I was incredibly grateful to have my friend Karla join Muddy Mouth as a production manager to allow me to spend time focusing on design and logistics.
Check out more of Angie's hilarious cards online, and be sure to stop by her booth at the Minneapolis Gift & Art Expo, November 3-5, 2017 at the Minneapolis Convention Center!