Ashley Andrighetti of Handmade Love creates one-of-a-kind precious metal and natural crystal jewelry using her skills in metalsmithing and electroforming. Her years of experience in many facets of art and design have culminated in Ashley finding her true artistic passion for jewelry design and fabrication. Ashley puts her heart into each piece— her business is aptly named Handmade Love— and she loves helping customers find a piece that speaks to them.

Who are you and what do you do?
My name is Ashley Andrighetti. I am a mother of a 4yr old boy, 3 crazy dogs and am a military wife. I am a jewelry designer and artist focusing on precious metals and a wide variety or natural crystals. Everything I make is one of a kind and completely hand made.
What do your customers love most about your products?
Since my products use naturally occurring crystals and each crystal has a different energy and attributes, customers are able to find specific pieces that speak directly to them and their needs. When they get my pieces they love that they have have a completely unique design that is different than anything else; no two of my pieces are the same.

Have you always been passionate about art and design?
Yes, for as long as I can remember I have loved all forms of art, from fashion and jewelry to paintings and photography. In college I majored in art and studied abroad on several occasions. After college I began in photography and lampworking, making glass beads using a torch. That led me down a path of progression to reach my passion which is metalsmithing and electroforming. Through each stage of life my love and passion for art has only grown.

What is your favorite item you sell?
My favorite items that I sell are my rings. Through all of my other forms of art I could not make rings, so when I started doing electroforming and metalsmithing I finally could and I went a little ring crazy. I love each ring I make and put a little part of myself into each one. I would love to keep them all myself, so know that each one is special.

What motivates you to create?
It is something inside of me, like an itch. When it starts I need to create something or I’ll go crazy. Often I find myself waking up at night with an idea or design and I can’t sleep after that because I’m so excited to make something new and unique. My passion for art and love of what I do motivates me to create.

Check out more about Ashley's work online, and be sure to stop by her booth at the Minneapolis Gift & Art Expo, November 2-4, 2018 at the Minneapolis Convention Center!